Intimacy with Death - Weeping Wounds, Healed

When working in the quantum field, we often work with death/transitional experiences, from other times, places, and spaces. I call these ‘past-life archetypal journeys’ - because I’m not quite sure if these things actually happened, or if these archetypal journeys are a way for our consciousness to process something we otherwise haven’t been able to… or maybe it’s both. And I’m not sure that it matters. Because the healing is real.

A dear friend and practice member had a persistent staph infection in her ear. She had done, literally, months of natural remedies (very intense ones)... AND months of antibiotics... topical, internal, you name it... to no avail. She asked me if, during her adjustment, I was ‘picking up on anything’.

For me, this isn’t about what my intuition tells me or ‘reading’ her field - it’s a different type, or octave of work. In my practice, it’s about “shifting states” and opening to the quantum field & multi-dimensional reality/realities that are available there. Kind of like tuning a radio-dial to a different station, but we don’t just ‘hear’ something different, we can actually experience it in multiple ways and interact to some degree. In the beginning, ‘shifting states’ felt taxing and was such an interesting, almost uncomfortable feeling - it requires total presence, calm, and trust - a ‘dropping in’ and then a surrendering. Being a mom of 2 and working with children was great training for how to do this, even in the midst of noise and chaos. On this day, with my friend, there were multiple children playing nearby, and the practice was hopping, but her intention and mine allowed us to access the field (where we have access points to the entire catalog of a souls experience) and what she needed.

At first, nothing… then I saw flashes of a ‘lifetime’… tribal, in a jungle-type setting - my friend was a young man, running with her tribe and elders through a dense forest. Green - everywhere. Fast, skillful movements. It seemed like a hunting or scouting party, a group of men, unified with clear & pure intention… but something went wrong. Suddenly, as if I were peering over her shoulder, I saw an arrow pierce her ear, head and neck - exactly where she was dealing with this persistent infection. She, as the young man, dropped to the forest floor, confused and disoriented, the tree canopy seemed to spinning above her, things were flashing and moving around her - she couldn’t move, and she was desperately looking for the leader of the group. Her soul was crying out for understanding, for help, for her people, for an explanation, for answers… But the answers didn’t come in time…

The 'archetype' of 'persistent weeping wounding' - was the common thread. As I saw these flashes, my soul was holding space for the unwinding of this pattern - the images began to move and release. The tribal leader and the other men returned to him, spoke to him/his body, explaining what had happened, cared for his physical form. It seemed as if they had been under a surprise attack from another group - and everyone fled, leaving him (my friend) in the chaos. When they were able to come back for him, it was too late, and his soul missed what it seemed to have needed. But now, as I held space to witness & observe all of this, through the quantum field, so could “he” (my friend’s consciousness) could process it in a new way. And as this reunion came, with the answers, and help, and the sense of completion the soul needed, the young man's body relaxed into the ground, the shock and fear dissipated and dissolved, and there was peace. In our time + space, we accessed another, and the loving presence and my friend’s pure intention to heal herself did just that - across multiple layers of time, space, and dimension, and realities.

Feeling the sense of completion, I returned my consciousness to my practice space, and my friend asked if I felt anything. Typically when doing that type of work, practice members’ consciousness will feel or sense the shifts with me, but this was different. I also typically talk through/transmit what I’m seeing and experiencing, to bridge the realities and healing, but this time, I couldn’t. It was happening so fast, that my speaking would have slowed down the unfolding of the healing. I took a breath and briefly explained what I witnessed, and finished her adjustment. I tend not to have any expectations as I go into or come out of the field, and simply allow things to be as they are, and unfold without my interference. (I also tend not to remember details because it wasn’t mine to attach to). So I gave her and her little ones hugs, and we parted ways.

At her next visit a few weeks later, my friend told me that the chronic weeping staph infection in her ear stopped weeping the day after our visit, and spontaneously healed itself.

I am learning, more and more, that there are infinite opportunities for healing, of all kinds, if we only open ourselves to the field of possibilities, with curiosity, love, and surrender. Imagine if she could heal this experience, how much potential there is for us to heal the pains and hurts of the life we’re living right now? It’s never too late to heal what hurts, and the painful patterns we’ve held onto. There are beautiful opportunities to come together, when we feel safe enough, to look at whatever it may be, bring love to that space (and ourselves), and let go…. opening to more freedom, ease, and the embodied wisdom of who we are and how our soul’s journey has shaped us.


Hope+Healing: "I REMEMBER."


Intimacy with Death - Passing in Peace