Hope+Healing: "I REMEMBER."

BEAT THE DRUMS, BEAT THE DRUMS, the men are healing. < Hope+Healing Series >

Masculine energy is POTENT. When men choose to step into their healing, across the threshold, it is such a beautiful + humbling thing to witness.

It feels important to honor these men, and to give you a glimpse into 'what's happening' behind closed doors... and the HOPE this brings for our collective healing.


He was constantly on guard. He confided, “I live my life feeling like I need to be armed and ready, because any door that opens could have someone on the other side ready to kill me…” “We live on a prison planet, I want out." It felt like a very visceral life-or-death, stay-or-go, WTF is this place and how do we get out type of energy. He was strong and had healed so much already. And, beyond that, deeper, I could feel the primal energy of being caged + wanting & needing to explode out of it.

He had experienced some unique and life-altering abuse as a young man. And he survived. And maybe that's where some of those energies came from. But it also felt much, much deeper and older than that.

We worked and unwound and worked and unwound the body - tonal adjustments, fascial unwinding, and opening the gateway to the quantum field. I was describing what I was seeing, what was available... and he said, "I don't think I can do it, I don't think I can."

So we ALLOWED & honored that... and then the energy that had been pent up started to flow... very strongly around his neck. I asked if I could place my hands there. He said yes. I said, "It feels like you've got a contraption around your neck." “Yes,” he said. I described it. I could feel it. He could feel it. The tension in his body was at the cusp of breakthrough... dam ready to break... As we got deeper, the awareness came: Who placed it there? Was it you? <From another time or a different reality?>”

As if we had accessed the key to the lock, a sudden flood of explosive crying, primal moaning, heaving breaths... Minutes of deep releasing and letting the body and tears flow with it.

I cried too, as I stood over the adjusting table.

Speaking for someone beyond myself, "I'm so sorry it's been so hard. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry..."

When we experience trauma, sometimes we cope by restricting or even harming ourselves... by creating consciousness programs that dampen, hinder, or even choke out our own life force… because that was ADAPTIVE in some way, at some time. To keep us safe, to keep others safe.

And when we LOOSEN our OWN CHAINS, realizing,

WE are the ones holding them,

And we LIBERATE ourselves,

We taste a freedom unlike any other.

There are few things more beautiful than that home-coming. And getting to hold space for it.

He cried out again, "I remember, I remember..." and he set himself free.

It's hard to even speak of such incredible things. Which is why I often don't, but people need to know what's possible. FOR ALL OF US, if we choose it.

We touched base afterwards. He said, "i have never been more aware of my energy body than i was today. i remember. thank you so much." And he now believes he'll live in his body for a good long while, heal, and get to experience 'heaven' on earth - within it.

THIS is the "Beauty Way" people speak of.


Walking each other home.

Witnessing the Truth+Beauty of one another, and honoring the path.

The men are healing.

Our human family is healing.

… Stepping into our remembrance.

Age of Courage. Age of the Heart. I’m here for it.

Here for you.

*shared with permission


Hope+Healing: The One You’ve Been Waiting For


Intimacy with Death - Weeping Wounds, Healed