The Age of Courage
The Age of the Heart.
Here we are. HERE we flipping are. These times have ushered us into a new era, The Age of Courage - The Age of the Heart. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. And it is time to dive in and rise up.
May these musings of the last few years support your journey home to and through yourself and your amazing body, your vessel here for this wild + sacred ride, as we individually and collectively step into our becoming, into heart-centered consciousness, healing in and through the body - coming into Union within, and en masse.
Onward and upward, farther down and deeper in.
Here for you. xxx, Mackenzie
Earth Song
Come now,
I know you are weary.
Come, Lay your head upon my breast.
Breathe in my Peace and Openness,
In Love and Sacred rest.
DNA Liberation + Healing + Activation
I remove and release all distortions, obstructions, and personal & ancestral patterns that no longer serve my highest good and benefit -through all time, space, dimension, & lifetimes.
I claim and activate the highest possible outcomes, experiences, timelines, healing, and Love - right here, right now and for all eternity. Please and thank you.
ART: Healing What Hurts
Painting this triggered the sh** out of me.
What you think might kill you, is usually just asking you to sit with it, a little deeper, and offering a healing opportunity should you choose to accept it.
The fire doesn’t burn you, your resistance to letting go does.
All comes into balance at the end.
The world may seem like it’s burning and flooding and all is going to shit, But WE have the power and WE are the medicine to rewrite our stories…
Lungs and Grief
LUNGS and GRIEF ::: Something you might not know about me. In the late summer of 2017 I developed pneumonia. It was persistent and very difficult to overcome. So much so that it affected every lobe of both lungs, and officially recurred 4 times over the course of the last two and a half years. I felt unwell for years straight.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are emotionally connected with G R I E F . And pneumonia is related to emotional suffocation. I confided in a shaman-friend, “I feel like I am feeling the grief of the world.” It was not just a feeling, but a knowing... And then 2020 came…
I’ve learned to have greater and greater confidence in what I know: we are all connected, we are all much more powerful than we realize, and we are all One. In the truest, most sacred sense.
This time of grief will end. We will heal. Collectively…
“I don’t care what other people think”… it’s a lie.
Affirmation: “I lovingly liberate myself from relying on others to determine who I am and how I feel. I love myself enough to become the leader in my own life. I quiet myself and allow my heart and my inner wisdom to guide me. I am ready to re-member. I release all false beliefs, bindings, and that which no longer serves me. With every breath I become more myself. I am free.”
Raise your Voice
We need to remember what OUR VOICES sound like.
Not the voices on the 'tel'e'vision' that TELL us what to SEE - think - feel - prioritize...
…We've been singing songs we've been taught to sing.
What about YOUR song?
It can’t be taught, only remembered, and only by you.
Prayer: Armor of God
Angels of God’s Light,
Please intensify the Light of God
within me, and all around me.
Please deflect anything that is unlike it.
Please help me to keep Love in my heart,
so I can share it with the world.
Sacred Motherhood
“We are the lovers, the birthers, the guides,
and the guardians.
We are the cups of creation,
Instruments of miracles,
Vessels of the Divine.
We are the life-givers,
The holders of the Light…”