Mother’s Love Held in Waiting
I have an amazing practice member, Mary, who was in the throws of a health crisis. She was anxious, her hair was falling out, she was having heart palpitations… medically she was ‘fine,’ but she didn’t feel that way. She was in such a state that her husband drove her to the office, and accompanied her to the acupuncture room (“the space of infinite possibilities”) - as I was working with her, I was drawn to her abdomen. I felt a mass near the surface of her skin, it felt connected to a lot of emotional turbulence.
“Tell me about this,” I said, as I lightly touched the area.
She said, “Oh, I’ve had that for years, it’s a small tumor or cyst, they said I could have it removed, but it’s benign.”
I became very conscious of her husband’s presence, because I don’t typically work with an observer. But I trusted he was meant to be there and continued.
I knew this was not part of her active ‘health crisis symptoms’ but I felt so much grief, and loss, and shock, and what felt like the energy of bargaining (with God/Spirit). What was this?
And then I saw it, another ‘lifetime’ - an archetypal journey - Mary was holding her child, who was dying in her arms. The sharpness and enormous expansion of the pain (both internally and externally) and grief was indescribable. I started tearing up. I shared with Mary what I was seeing and feeling.
"It feels like all of the love unexpressed, and the pain encapsulated - the desire so strong to be with her again, that it’s carried into this lifetime too….”
“Mary,” I said… “she came back to you. Your love for her, and her love for you was so strong, that in this lifetime, you’ve been reunited. It feels like it’s your daughter, _____.”
Her jaw dropped. “Mackenzie”, she said, “this appeared right after (daughter’s name)’s birth. It’s been there for 27 years.
We continued with the session, working in the field, and unwinding some of the pain and challenges, where the energy was stuck, and allowing new energy and love to move through - trust, receivership, openness…
A few weeks later, her health was no longer in crisis. She had an annual physical. Her primary MD had a student intern in the office. He palpated her abdomen, and showed the student intern that it was stable, and if it were leaking fluid, they’d remove it, but it hasn’t done that in 27 years… but as he palpated it, fluid began to seep from its connection to the skin. Mary said that he was shocked. And it smelled of vernix, the ‘white stuff’ that covers babies in utero. Mary told me that after a minor surgical procedure to remove it, they confirmed that it did, in fact, contain vernix. Remnants from her daughter’s in-utero experience.
Due to the work we uncovered in the field during her session, her body was ready to see the pain - the crisis from long ago - to unwind the old patterns - and to lovingly let it go, coming into completion with that experience and embracing the reunion experience of love returning to her. She has since moved through her healing crisis and is on the other side. She was grateful her husband was there, who tends to be skeptical of ‘things like this,’ so that she had a witness to the incredible healing experience she unlocked for herself.
*shared with permission, details may have been changed for privacy.